October 27, 2014

Home remedies for hiccups

Hiccups home remedies-simplehub
Home Remedies for Hiccups:

1. Honey
In a glass of warm water stir a tsp. of honey and it can tickle the vagus nerve to stop the hiccups.

2. Brown paper bag
Breathe in a small paper bag to increase the carbon dioxide in the blood contracting the diaphragm to bring in more oxygen stopping the hiccups.

3. Take a deep breath
To disrupt the hiccups take a deep breath for a few seconds then release it, continue if necessary.

4. Dill Seeds
A simple way to get rid of hiccups is to chew some dill seeds

5. Peanut Butter

Chewing a spoonful of peanut butter may interrupt with the swallowing and breathing process that can help relieve the hiccups. 

6. For some drinking water, inducing fright and sucking lemon juice can help stop hiccups.

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