October 31, 2014

How to reduce alcohol cravings

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Excessive consumption of alcohol can damage our liver. In order to give up alcohol cravings for it should be overcome. Herbs are natural remedies that can help curb those alcohol cravings

Here are the herbs that can help reduce alcohol cravings:

1. Golden seal
This is also known as Indian turmeric that is very helpful because its bitter taste is effective to reduce the alcohol cravings. This herb is also available in capsule form as a supplement.
golden seal-simplehub

2. Kudzu
This herbal plant is found in Asian countries like Japan and is very effective in relieving hangover. Soaking its root for 20 mins. and drinking its liquid can help cure the alcohol cravings.

3. St. John's Wort
This herbal plant is not only useful for depression but also reduces the urge to consume alcohol. Soak its flowers in hot water for 15 mins. and drink the top liquid, it helps reduce the desire to drink alcohol.
St.John's Wort-simplehub

4. Angelica Atropurpurea or Angelica 
The bitter taste of the crushed roots of Angelica reduces the cravings for alcohol.
Angelica Atropurpurea-simplehub

5. Chamomile
Chamomile tea is believed to relieve stress giving relaxation of the mind and body reducing the need to drink alcohol.

6. Dandelion
Dandelion is good for detoxifying the body and adding crushed roots of dandelion on tea can help reduce the consumption of alcohol.

October 29, 2014

How to remove dark spots

Dark spots can appear as age spots or freckles caused by sun exposure, pregnancy , genetics and many more. 

Here are some home remedies effective to remove them:

1. Lemon
Soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and rub on the affected area for a 5 minutes. Lemon juice helps to exfoliate the skin removing the dead cells.

2. Aloe Vera
Rub aloe vera on the dark spots until it dries. It helps to lighten the skin.

3. Papaya
Papaya contains papain that helps reduce dead skin cells and whitens the skin. Rub papaya on the skin then clean with cold water and do this four time a week.

4. Onion
And for age spots rubbing onion for 5 minutes daily is effective.

5. Banana
Make a puree of banana and mix lemon juice, then apply on the dark spots everyday.

October 28, 2014

How to get rid of blackheads and whiteheads

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Blackheads and white heads typically form on our nose and forehead and we need to remove them gently not squeezing nor pinching them too hard.

Here are some ways to get rid of it naturally:

 1. Steam
Boil some water and put it in a small bowl and place your face for a couple of minutes over the bowl, then wash it with soap. The heat from the steam opens the pores and it helps release the dirt and oil.

2. Aloe Vera
Rub aloe vera gel into your blackheads and whiteheads with your hands, let it dry and rinse with water.

3. Toothpaste
Apply a thin paste of toothpaste on your blackheads or whiteheads and leave it for 20 minutes then wash thoroughly to remove the blackheads and whiteheads. Do this remedy for two weeks four times a week.

4. Baking Soda
Make a paste of baking soda and water and rub into your face for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

5. Tomato
Rub tomato pulp to you blackheads and whiteheads and leave it overnight.

6. Lemon Juice
In a small bowl put lemon juice and a pinch of salt and apply the mixture on your face for a couple of minutes then rinse with warm water.

7. Cornstarch
Make a paste of cornstarch and vinegar and apply it to the affected are for 30 mins. then wash with warm water again.

October 27, 2014

How to get rid of vaginal odor

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Vaginal odor is sometimes caused by yeast infection, poor hygiene, bacterial infection or due to sexually transmitted disease. And if it persists for a long period of time it can be irritating so treat this problem with this natural remedies.

1. Yogurt
To maintain the pH level of the vagina consume at least 2 cups of yogurt every day.

2. Water
Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily to remove the toxins and bacteria from the body.

3. White Vinegar
Mix half cup of white vinegar in warm water and soak the vagina for a few minutes and do this for a week to eliminate the feminine odor.

4. Baking Soda
Mix 1 tbsp. of baking soda in lukewarm water and soak the vagina to help eliminate yeast or bacterial infections that causes vaginal odor.

Home remedies for hiccups

Hiccups home remedies-simplehub
Home Remedies for Hiccups:

1. Honey
In a glass of warm water stir a tsp. of honey and it can tickle the vagus nerve to stop the hiccups.

2. Brown paper bag
Breathe in a small paper bag to increase the carbon dioxide in the blood contracting the diaphragm to bring in more oxygen stopping the hiccups.

3. Take a deep breath
To disrupt the hiccups take a deep breath for a few seconds then release it, continue if necessary.

4. Dill Seeds
A simple way to get rid of hiccups is to chew some dill seeds

5. Peanut Butter

Chewing a spoonful of peanut butter may interrupt with the swallowing and breathing process that can help relieve the hiccups. 

6. For some drinking water, inducing fright and sucking lemon juice can help stop hiccups.

October 25, 2014

How to get rid of prickly heat

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Natural solutions and remedies to get rid of prickly heat:

1. Ice
Rub ice cubes over the rashes to help reduce the inflammation and the prickly sensations.

2. Cold Water
In a cold water soak a piece of cotton cloth and place it over the rash until the water has been absorbed for 2-3 times a day to give instant relief.

3. Baking Soda
Dip a cloth in a solution of 1 tsp. baking soda and 1 cup cold water, squeeze and apply on the affected area to reduce the itching. Do this 5 times daily.

4. Cornstarch
Mix cornstarch and water to form a paste and smudge it over the rash for 30 minutes.

5. Aloe Vera
Apply the aloe vera gel over the affected areas for a few minutes and bath with cold water.

How to get rid of stretch marks

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Stretch marks are visible lines usually found in abdominal walls, thighs, buttocks and even breasts.

These are the natural ways to reduce its appearance:

1. Potato
Rub a thick slice of potato gently on the stretch marks for a few minutes allowing it to dry and wash it off with lukewarm water.

2. Sugar
Sugar is good for exfoliating the skin. Rub a mixture of sugar, almond oil and lemon juice on the stretch marks for 10 minutes.

3. Aloe Vera
Rub the aloe vera on the skin and leave for a few minutes then rinse with lukewarm water

4. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is good to reduce skin problems such as scars, acne and stretch marks. Apply lemon juice on the stretch marks for 10 minutes to lessen it.

5. Olive Oil
Olive oil contains nutrients that improve various skin problems. Massage olive oil on the stretch marks and leave it for 30 minutes or you can mix olive oil with vinegar and water and use it as a night cream.

Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Urinary tract infection remedies-simplehub

These remedies are not intended to cure urinary tract infection, before doing these seek first the advice of your medical practitioner or physician.

Natural and safe home remedies that can help prevent urinary tract infection:

1. Baking Soda
A tsp. of baking soda in a glass of water may help ease the infection because baking soda will neutralize the acidity of the urine speeding up the recovery.

2. Blueberries
Eat these fruits or consume blueberry juice to prevent UTI.

3. Cranberries
Cranberries are believed to have a mild antibiotic effect and help reduce the infection causing bacteria bedding down in the bladder. Drink 2-4 glasses of cranberry juice daily.

4. Pineapple
Eating pineapple may help get rid of the infection because it contains the enzyme bromelain that is a good antibiotic for infections.

5. Water
Drink a glass of water every hour making you urinate more frequently to flush out the bacteria.

6. Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps the bladder healthy.

Home remedies for High blood pressure

High blood pressure home remedies-simplehub

High blood pressure is a common ailment affecting both men and women and here are some effective natural home remedies:

1. Take GARLIC Supplements

2. Take Fish Oil Supplements

3. Consume fresh fruits and vegetables

4. Maintain a healthy weight 

5. Eat a healthy diet

6. Reduce Stress
Reducing stress can avoid high blood pressure.

How to reduce sinus problems

Reduce sinus problems-simplehub

When our sinuses get blocked it causes viral or bacterial infection called sinusitis which can last up to 4 weeks( acute sinusitis ) or it may last for 12 weeks or years (Chronic sinusitis). 

To relieve the discomfort here are some of the home remedies:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar
Drink three times daily for 5 days a solution of 1-3 tsp of apple cider and honey in 6 oz of water.

2. Horse Radish
Grate some radish and put a pinch in your mouth for a few minutes then spit it out.

3. Grapefruit Seed extract
An excellent home remedy for clearing chronic sinus congestion.

4. Cayenne Pepper
 Include cayenne pepper in your diet because consuming spicy foods can help clear the mucous congestion of the sinus cavities. 

5. Air Humidifier 
Air humidifier can relieve the mucus congestion of the sinus.

6. Onion
Boil chopped onions for 5 minus and inhale the steam. Onions are good home remedy for sinus drainage and you can even drink the mixture.

7. Garlic
Applying crushed garlic along with honey is an effective remedy in unclogging the sinus cavities.

8. Warm Compress
Use a warm compress on your face to give relief of the pain caused by sinus infection.

9. Eucalyptus Oil
Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil in your warm bath water. Or you can add in a bowl of hot water and inhale the steam.

October 16, 2014

How to relieve stress at work

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Relieve stress at work by these simple steps:

1. Manage your time
 Manage your time wisely to finish every task effortless and effective. Avoid multi-tasking as it will cause more pressure to you leading to so much stress

2. Work Out
 To maintain our physical and mental health we need to exercise. Perform exercises and you will benefit from this and helps to release your stress.

3. Take a Break
 Rejuvenate by taking a vacation or spending some time with your family, friends or loved ones.

4. Be Positive
Nothing beats having a positive mind and attitude in relieving stress. You can solve problems faster and can be more efficient also.

How to relieve BACK PAIN

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Improper sitting positions or prolonged sitting can cause back pain and here are some tips to do which are far much better than taking pain relievers.

Hip Opener
Hip opener-simplehub
Lie down on your back and grasp your knees hold for 10 seconds and switched on the second leg. Do this for two sets.

Double Knee Torso Twist
Double knee torso twist-simplehub

This is a soothing position if you are suffering from lower back pain. Lie on your back, arms horizontal. Bend your knees toward chest then slowly lower your knees to the left and hold for 15-30 seconds, repeat on the opposite position.

Calf Stretch
calf stretch-simplehub

The calf stretch is great to relieve back pain, do this often.  Place both hands on a wall or a chair and step back with your right leg keeping both heels firmly. Lunge forward for 30 seconds and repeat on opposite leg.

How to relieve Headache and Stress

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Acupressure which also known as Shiatsu is a kind of touch therapy that is stimulated by finger pressure to relieve variety symptoms of pain. If you have a headache or stress just place your thumb on one side and your index on the other then firmly press on that fleshy place known as the Hoku spot for 30 seconds. Press and hold it until you feel much better.

October 14, 2014

How to improve eyesight

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My brother used to wear eyeglasses for a decade and after deciding to improve his diet and go for solutions  naturally he does not wear eyeglasses anymore. And his vision went back to normal again.

Weak eyesight can be corrected and there were some remedies to improve it:

Ginkgo Biloba
Aside from improving our memory and treating those with anxiety it also protects our eyes from glaucoma. A daily dose of these supplements can improve your eyesight but diabetics should consult first your doctor.
Asparagus is believed to improve the health of our eyes. Mix of one tsp. of honey and a tsp. of asparagus and consume it twice a day.
Healthy Diet
Eat foods like fish, eggs, nuts, broccoli, spinach, carrots to name a few which are a good source of Vitamin A, B-complex, E and lutein that promotes good health for our eyes
And avoid prolonged use of computer and television that can strain your eyes. Do take some short breaks to rest your eyes every 15 minutes and have enough sleep.

October 11, 2014

How to get rid of hangover

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After a night of drinking heavily a person tends to feel hangover the next day with symptoms like dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting to name a few. To help relieve this hangover these are the helpful things to follow:

1. Chew peppermint leaves or  make a cup of peppermint tea one to two cups after waking up to speed up the detoxification of your body.

2. Ginger helps in our digestion and it can cure vomiting and nausea that usually felt when a person has a hangover.Chew small bits of ginger or make a ginger tea and drink it while still warm.

3. Drink plenty of water to deplete the alcohol in the body and to get rid the symptoms of 

4. Lemon and honey are best cure for treating hangover by controlling the blood sugar that metabolizes the alcohol in the body. In a glass of warm water stir in 2 tsps. of lemon juice and a tsp of honey and drink these several times a day. Or you can take three tsp. of honey every two hours until the hangover is reduced.

5. Excessive intake of alcoholic drinks can drain the potassium in the body. Since banana is a great source of potassium it can replace the lost potassium and can even boost your energy level. Eat a banana together with your breakfast to feel energized. 

6. After a night of drinking excessively we need proper sleep to recover from a hangover.
And do not eat sweets while drinking nor drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Take a refreshing bath to ease your headache.

How to get rid of Onion Breath

get rid of onion breath-simplehub
We used onions to add flavor in most of the dishes and salads that we make. Although it is a great source of vitamins it can give pungent odor to our breath because of its high sulfur compound content and the odor never leaves our mouth for quite some time.
When we eat raw onions even it is already digested it can give foul odor when we exhale them. The best thing to do is to avoid eating raw onions.

But if we cannot avoid it then here are the solutions:

1. In a cup of water mix a tbsp. of lemon juice and use it to rinse your mouth 3 times a day until the odor is gone. Or just drink a glass of lemon juice not only that it removes the odor but you can be refreshed as well.

2. Milk due to its fat content is very effective because it neutralizes the sulfur of onions that causes odor . Drink a glass of milk to get rid of those onion breath.

3. Eat an apple to fight the bad breath from eating a raw onion because its enzymes breaks down the sulfur content of it or you can drink a glass of apple juice.

4. Drink a cup of green tea with honey and it help to reduce the onion breath 

5. Mint is a great remedy for onion as it freshens our breath. You can either chew it or add crushed leaves in of hot water for about 10 minutes and drink this mint tea with honey. If you have no mint leaves you can just buy mint candy or chewing gum to get rid of the pungent odor.

6. Mix a tbsp, of apple cider vinegar and honey in a cup of warm water and gargle for a few seconds and you will have a fresher breath.

7. Because of the vibrant taste of parsley it can definitely fight back the bad odor of onions in our mouth and it is also good for the remedy of bad breath.

Aside from these natural remedies do not forget to floss your teeth after brushing your teeth with mint flavor toothpaste.

Home Remedies for Blisters of Tongue

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Whenever we bite our tongue or we are grinding teeth at night it can sometimes cause it to get blisters. However there is also some cause like certain allergies to food or viral infection and some other conditions like oral cancer or anemia and even diabetes to name a few. Vitamin B deficiency would sometimes cause us to have tongue blisters too.
The inflammation of the blisters makes us difficult to eat and although it can heal by its own we can still do some remedies for its fast healing.

 So here goes the remedies :

1. By holding an cube directly on the blister until it gets numb or sipping cold water can relieve us from the pain reducing the swelling too.

2. Salt is believed to help kill bacteria and reduces inflammation. Put of a tsp. of salt in lukewarm water and use it as a mouthwash for about 30 seconds then rinse your mouth with warm water five tie daily.

3. Baking soda is good to soothe pain and reduce inflammation too. So by making a solution of one tsp, of baking soda in a warm water swoosh in your mouth like a mouthwash  for a few minutes then spit it out. Do this 4 times a day until it gets rid of the blister.

4. Tea tree oil contains antibacterial properties and is a good antiseptic also. A few drops of oil in a cup of water to be used as mouthwash daily can relieve blisters of the tongue.

5. Coriander or cilantro gives flavor to our dishes and it is also an effective treatment for blistered tongue because of its anti inflammatory effect.. Boil a cup of water and put a tbsp, of coriander leaves or seeds, strain it and use it to rinse your mouth four times a day until you get rid of the problem.

8. If we have a deficiency with Vitamin B blisters occur and to prevent this we should eat foods that are a great source of this vitamin.

9. And also avoid eating spicy foods and refrain from drinking too hot drinks such as coffee and tea causing some irritation with our mouth.

Home remedies for white coated tongue

White coated tongue remedies-simplehub
Being one of the strongest muscles of our body it helps us to swallow the food we eat and with our talking too. Pink should be the color of our tongue but then there are times that it turned to white making it difficult for us to appreciate the taste of the food we eat.
Improper hygiene, certain drugs or disease causes it to become white although in some cases it is just a sign that we are dehydrated. But if the symptoms are severe we need to see a doctor right away.
However there are several home remedies that we can do and this is very effective for me whenever my tongue gets white coated.

Here are the cheap home remedies:

1. We all know that salt has antiseptic properties and by sprinkling some of it on your tongue and gently scrubbing them with a tooth brush for about one minute and rinsing with warm water twice a day it will not only remove the bacteria that causes bad breath but also the white coated on our tongue would disappear in a week.

2. Yes probiotics , just mix it with a small amount of water to be used as a mouthwash solution after brushing our teeth to be done for a week once a day. And you will see a positive result since probiotics are good in fighting bacteria and fungus in our mouth.

3. Another effective home remedy which also good for dry mouth is by brushing a little of vegetable glycerine on your tongue twice a day and rinsing with warm water afterwards until it returns to its pink color.

4. Hydrogen Peroxide is also helpful in whitening out teeth and being a good treatment in for a white coated tongue it is recommended to use 3% of Hydrogen Peroxide in making a solution.
Mix two parts of water with one part of hydrogen peroxide and dip a toothbrush with your mixture then gently scrape it on your tongue and rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. Do this once a day for about four days to see best results.

5. Turmeric has strong antibacterial properties too that can help eliminate a white coated tongue. make a paste by mixing a half tsp. of  turmeric powder with lime juice and scrub the paste on your tongue for a few minutes then rinse with water. In just a few days of doing this once a day it can return to pink color again.

6. And lastly the wonder powder, baking soda. Make a paste with a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda and brush on your tongue and rinse thoroughly. do this once a day until you get the results you desired.