October 16, 2014

How to relieve BACK PAIN

back pain remedies-simplehub

Improper sitting positions or prolonged sitting can cause back pain and here are some tips to do which are far much better than taking pain relievers.

Hip Opener
Hip opener-simplehub
Lie down on your back and grasp your knees hold for 10 seconds and switched on the second leg. Do this for two sets.

Double Knee Torso Twist
Double knee torso twist-simplehub

This is a soothing position if you are suffering from lower back pain. Lie on your back, arms horizontal. Bend your knees toward chest then slowly lower your knees to the left and hold for 15-30 seconds, repeat on the opposite position.

Calf Stretch
calf stretch-simplehub

The calf stretch is great to relieve back pain, do this often.  Place both hands on a wall or a chair and step back with your right leg keeping both heels firmly. Lunge forward for 30 seconds and repeat on opposite leg.

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