October 25, 2014

How to reduce sinus problems

Reduce sinus problems-simplehub

When our sinuses get blocked it causes viral or bacterial infection called sinusitis which can last up to 4 weeks( acute sinusitis ) or it may last for 12 weeks or years (Chronic sinusitis). 

To relieve the discomfort here are some of the home remedies:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar
Drink three times daily for 5 days a solution of 1-3 tsp of apple cider and honey in 6 oz of water.

2. Horse Radish
Grate some radish and put a pinch in your mouth for a few minutes then spit it out.

3. Grapefruit Seed extract
An excellent home remedy for clearing chronic sinus congestion.

4. Cayenne Pepper
 Include cayenne pepper in your diet because consuming spicy foods can help clear the mucous congestion of the sinus cavities. 

5. Air Humidifier 
Air humidifier can relieve the mucus congestion of the sinus.

6. Onion
Boil chopped onions for 5 minus and inhale the steam. Onions are good home remedy for sinus drainage and you can even drink the mixture.

7. Garlic
Applying crushed garlic along with honey is an effective remedy in unclogging the sinus cavities.

8. Warm Compress
Use a warm compress on your face to give relief of the pain caused by sinus infection.

9. Eucalyptus Oil
Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil in your warm bath water. Or you can add in a bowl of hot water and inhale the steam.

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